Collection of Personal Information FAQs

  1. What kinds of personal information does the school collect?
  2. What does the school do with personal information?
  3. Is the personal information secure?
  4. Does the school ever share personal information about my child with other agencies?
  5. How can I see the personal information that is collected about my child?
  6. Can the school deny me access to personal information about my child?
  7. What if there is something on the file that I disagree with?
  8. Where can I get more information?

1. What kinds of personal information does the school collect?

  • The board of education (board) needs to know basic information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, ages and birth dates. It also needs to collect information about any medical conditions that might affect your child. All the information that is created concerning your child’s education is considered personal information. This will include tests, assessments, report cards and reports from professionals, such as psychologists and language pathologists.

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2. What does the school do with personal information?

  • The board shares personal information with employees who need it in order to do their jobs. This will usually include the child’s teacher and the principal. In some cases a teacher-aide or librarian or other in-school staff will also need to know specific information. If consultants or other professionals such as community workers are involved in the educational program of your child the information will also be shared with them if it is necessary in order for them to provide services.

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3. Is the personal information secure?

  • The board of education takes all reasonable precautions to ensure that personal information is kept safe from loss, unauthorized access or disclosure. This includes secure storage, restricted file access, internal passwords and security policies.

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4. Does the school ever share personal information about my child with other agencies?

  • In most cases, the board of education will specifically ask you to consent to disclose personal information about your child. Under some circumstances the school will provide information to the Ministry of Education that is required by law or regulation. The board will also provide minimal information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, ages and birth dates, to the Ministry of Health in order to ensure that your child has the opportunity to access benefits or programs offered. In some cases legislation or court orders might require schools to provide information about a child in specific circumstances.

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5. How can I see the personal information that is collected about my child?

  • There are two ways this can be done: 
    • Informal process – Speak to the principal of the school. In most cases the principal will be able to arrange for you to view your child’s file. The principal will probably also be able to let you have copies of any document on the file, although you may have to pay the cost of photocopying.
    • Formal process – Fill out an application form under LAFOIP. There is a minimum fee of $20 and the board has 30 days to respond to your request. This process will more likely be required for unusual situations, such as when there is a family dispute or if it is unclear who should be able to access the information.

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6. Can the school deny me access to personal information about my child?

  • In some circumstances access may be denied. For example, if documents contain confidential information about other parties, or if a parent does not have custody or access to the child, or in situations where access to certain information would unreasonably interfere with the student’s privacy rights. 

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7. What if there is something on the file that I disagree with?

  • If you think there is incorrect information on the file you should notify the principal, in writing, of the error or omission. The file will either be amended or your request for amendment will be placed on the file. 

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8. Where can I get more information?

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