Access to Records Prior to a Board Meeting
Board Package Materials
There is nothing in LAFOIP which requires board package materials to be disclosed prior to a meeting, unless the request meets the requirements of LAFOIP. If a request is made under LAFOIP, the board has within 30 days to respond. This is generally longer than the period between the preparation of the board package and the board meeting at which they will be discussed.
If a request is made to have some portion of the board package released to the media or public before the meeting that request should be forwarded to the head. A review of the materials in light of the provisions can then be made to determine what, if any, information must or could be disclosed.
The board may, of course, decide to disclose certain reports or information if will be useful. That is, however, a decision to be made by the administration or by the board as a whole, and not by individual board members. Each board member should treat all records and information in the board package as confidential unless clearly informed otherwise.
If a decision is made to disclose some portions of a board package, care should be taken to ensure that personal information or other information that is exempt from disclosure is not released without permission from the parties concerned.
Agenda of the Meeting
The agenda of a meeting can be disclosed. Care should be taken to ensure that confidential information is not included (i.e., agenda of a closed session, names of students, etc.).
Draft Resolutions
LAFOIP provides that draft resolutions may be released by the board but do not have to be released if the board does not wish to do so.