Disclosure of Photos and Videos
Taking of photos and video during school events and ceremonies can be allowed but the board can impose conditions it considers appropriate.
If students or parents wish to place photos on a website or social networking site they are legally required to obtain the consent of the individuals in the photos. The school should make it clear that the student or parent is fully responsible for obtaining such consents and that the board accepts no responsibility for such consents.
Attendees should be informed of the conditions at the commencement of the event or in the program. A statement similar to the following should be included:
“Photos and video are allowed for personal use only and cannot be published in any form without appropriate consents. The school is not responsible for obtaining such consent – It is the sole responsibility of the person taking the photo or video.”
These conditions will also apply to students and staff.
Students who violate school policy which sets out the requirements for use of photos and videos of school or school-related activities can be subject to discipline. Employees who violate the policy can be subject to disciplinary action.
Parents or third parties who violate school policy can be restricted from attending future events at the school.