Registration Forms

The principles of LAFOIP apply to the collection of information by schools and school divisions on student registration forms. Only information which is required for the provision of education services can be collected.

The question should be asked of every single piece of data requested: “Why do we need to collect this information?” If there is no answer, or if the answer does not relate to the provision of education services then the information should not be collected.

Students from whom the information is collected need to be informed of the purposes for which the information will be used. If the information will be shared with outside agencies such as the Ministry of Education or the health region this should be explained to parents.

Once collected the information must be used only for the stated purposes.

Information about the privacy policy of the board of education and school can be provided to parents in a separate document at the time of registration.

Click here for a sample registration/consent form provided by Saskatoon Public Schools.

Click here for a newcomer sample registration/consent form provided by Saskatoon Public Schools.

Please note, these are only examples; the registration form used in your school division may look different than the example provided.