Student Medical Information
Medical information or personal health information collected by boards of education (board) is considered personal information within the meaning of LAFOIP and is governed by that legislation. Boards are not subject to The Health Information Protection Act.
Medical information is of a particularly sensitive nature and should be handled with the utmost care.
Registration forms will generally ask parents to identify whether or not students have medical issues. The information on the registration form should be limited to the fact that an issue exists. The details concerning the medical issue can be collected and stored separately.
The information can be kept on the cumulative file as long as access to those files are controlled so that only those who need the information will have access to it.
Any request by a parent for a school to administer medication or to provide medical treatment or any other accommodation for a student should be documented by a written report from a medical practitioner. The student and parent have a legal obligation to provide the board with sufficient medical information to allow the board to determine what accommodation might be required for the student.
Such documentation should be kept on file for as long as the treatment or medication is being administered. The documentation should be updated on a regular basis.
Care must be taken to ensure that only those who require the information will have access. Such decisions are made by the board, not the parents, though it is very important to consult with the parents and find out what they feel is appropriate.
Information should be shared in the least intrusive way possible. In some cases, for example it may be acceptable for the student to handle the matter and very few people will need to have the information.
The safety of the child is paramount, however. If there is an emergency situation, boards should disclose necessary information for the well-being of the student.
For more information on the access of health information in the case of divorce or separation of parents view the article “Children, Consent and The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA)” in the Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner’s FOIP Folio.